SDK - Libraries

At the current release the SDK contains two classes

  • LocationSubscriber: allows you to track devices and retrieve updates about their location.You can use LocationSubscriber to create subscriptions, where each one of them can be used to track a device.

  • QosAwareness: allows you to request QoS from a set of standardized values for better service experience (Ex. TCP_BASED / LIVE Streaming / CONVERSATIONAL_VOICE etc). You can create subscriptions where each one of them has specific QoS parameters. A notification is sent back to the net-app if the QoS targets can no longer be full-filled.

Examples of usage /Have a look at the code

Have a look at the examples folder for code samples on how to use the SDK Library.

LocationSubscriber example

QosAwareness example

Prerequisites / How to start

Install the requirements_dev.txt

pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Make sure you have initiated the NEF_EMULATOR at url http://localhost:8888 (See here for instructions), you have logged in to the interface, clicked on the map and have started the simulation.

Then run a webserver in order to capture the callback post requests from NEF EMULATOR: On the terminal run the following commands to initialize the webserver.

export FLASK_APP=/home/user/evolved-5g/SDK-CLI/examples/

export FLASK_ENV=development

python -m flask run –host=

where FLASK_APP should point to the absolute path of the SDK-CLI/examples/ file. These commands will initialize a web server at

Now you can run Location subscriber example You should be able to view the location updates, printed in the terminal that runs the FLASK webserver