SDK - Libraries

At the current release the SDK contains one class “LocationSubscriber” that allows you to track devices and retrieve updates about their location. You can use LocationSubscriber to create subscriptions, where each one of them can be used to track a device.

Examples of usage /Have a look at the code

Have a look at the examples folder for code samples on how to use the SDK Library.

Location subscriber example

Prerequisites / How to start

Install the requirements_dev.txt

pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Make sure you have initiated the NEF_EMULATOR at url http://localhost:8888 (See here for instructions), you have logged in to the interface, clicked on the map and have started the simulation.

Then run a webserver in order to capture the callback post requests from NEF EMULATOR: On the terminal run the following commands to initialize the webserver.

export FLASK_APP=/home/user/evolved-5g/SDK-CLI/examples/

export FLASK_ENV=development

python -m flask run –host=

where FLASK_APP should point to the absolute path of the SDK-CLI/examples/ file. These commands will initialize a web server at

Now you can run Location subscriber example You should be able to view the location updates, printed in the terminal that runs the FLASK webserver